Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Spending some quality time...

One of my favorite times is between Naptime and Dinner at House 2. The kids are just free during that time to play!
The other day, thanks to Tia Pauline and her camera, we had some laughs : )

These kids are insane....
I think I died of all the excitement!

And of course, I do love getting my hair done!

I can't wait to get home next week! See you all on Sunday!


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Four Kids, Three Trufi Rides, Two Tias and One Cristo

As an attempt to get the kids out of the House and to spend a little more quality time with them, Pauline and I are starting to take small groups of kids out to do something fun for a few hours.

Last Saturday was our first outing. We took four House 2 boys to the Cristo. I figured their favorite part would be riding up the cable car things to the top, but I'm pretty sure they told me their favorite part was the Power Ranger Popsicles...which at $0.14 each, I can handle : )

Our first stop was the food court where we got these awesome food cup things..
Although, they seemed to mostly enjoy the ketchup...
Again with the ketchup.
And then up to the Cristo...I think I'm a little more excited then him...

Pauline and our boys : )
He was a little scared, but we all made it!


Awesome smile!

And the famous popsicles..

Heading home!

We were ALL very sleepy!  
 What an amazing day with some amazing kids! Can't wait for more days just like this!


Sunday, December 05, 2010

Gringas, food and Laughter : )

Two of the many many things I've learned since I've been here is that
1) Gringa's love food
2) Gringa's love the company of other Gringa's
3) Gringa's love chilling with other Gringa's and eating....

Elena organized an awesome Gringa Mexican night before she left, here's some pictures:

We had a bit of trouble with the Kool-aid....
The view from the Holman's Apt2
Thanks Elena for putting together this fun evening!

A Sunday morning...at the Park?

This month, Pauline and I have been entrusted with the task of wrangling four or five House 2 kids to church with us each week.
Generally, they all go together to a Spanish church, but since Elena (our fearless House 2 leader) is home for the month getting some well deserved rest, the kids are being parceled off to tias and getting to visit all kinds of church's!

Our fist week though, we were a little worried about being late, so we left a LITTLE early, but considering there's a playground at the church, and I could buy us all juice for 3bs ($0.48) the kids were pretty happy.

Pauline and her little copy-cat : )

Pretty successful first Church outing!