Monday, October 18, 2010

La Escuela Español!

Spanish school friends!

Spanish school is wonderful!
This is my first experience taking a class in something that wasn’t mandatory [i.e. highschool!] and I love it! What a different feel when you are learning something that you really want to learn!
So far I’ve had 5 days of school, and already my head is swimming with Spanish.
The school is very flexible and will work around how many hours each student would like a week. For my first week of classes, I took 4 hours a day, for 4 days, and most people I’ve talked to have said, “Wow…That’s a lot!”My second week has just begun and I’m going for 3 hours a day for 5 days a week.
The school is a great place to meet other missionaries and people from around the world who are all trying to learn Spanish. I’ve met wonderful people from Switzerland, Germany, France and all over the United States. It’s very interesting to talk with people about the different work they are doing and planning to do while in Bolivia.
The school has 6 different teachers, all wonderful Christian ladies (One of which is my wonderful Host, Maite!). It’s set up so that you rotate between teachers. So this morning, my first class was mostly about grammar and pronunciation. My second focused on reviewing last weeks Vocab and sentence structure, and the third introduced new information. The classes are one on one, and therefore truly invaluable!

Anyway, just wanted to give you a quick description of Spanish School!
Sorry that it’s been almost a week since I last posted! This week has been spent at Spanish School, seeing more and more of Bolivian culture, and battling an illness that I can only pray is not Pneumonia! So I’ve been pretty busy!
I’ll write more soon!

Please pray:

  • That I can beat this stupid sickness that I can’t seem to schake…I would really like to be healthy!
  • Please continue to pray for understanding in my Spanish classes, Being sick has made it a little hard at school, I go pretty early in the morning and my head has been a little foggy the past few days. I don’t want to waste this wonderful opportunity to learn, so I really do need to get better!
  • Please pray that I will find the spot where I fit perfectly here, in deciding which of the two houses I’ll be working in, and in general.

Thanks everyone for reading and for your prayers!

With love,


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